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A Cat Named Sunny (Novel Study)

Grades 3 to 4 - Print Book - Lesson Plan

  • A Cat Named Sunny (Novel Study) Gr. 3-4 - print book
  • A Cat Named Sunny (Novel Study) Gr. 3-4 - print book
  • A Cat Named Sunny (Novel Study) Gr. 3-4 - print book
  • A Cat Named Sunny (Novel Study) Gr. 3-4 - print book
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Order #: A122 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-451-4 Grades: 3, 4 Reading Level: 3-4 Total Page: 69 Author: Christine Berriman
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A Cat Named Sunny is the story of a young girl named Vicky who befriends an orange and white longhaired stray cat she finds while on vacation by the lake. Naming her Sunny, Vicky's mother does not allow her to play with the cat indoors. One day, finding the cat inside the cabin, Vicky's mother sweeps the cat out with a broom. Scared, Sunny hid in the woods and could not be found. After returning to the city, Vicky could not forget about her friend and decides to go out and look for her before Fall can set in. The quest to save Sunny takes Vicky on a humorous and tense journey that leads to an unexpected conclusion. This Novel Study provides a teacher and student section with a variety of activities, discussion questions and answer key to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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