Canadian Studies >
Grades 2, 3 >
Awesome Animals of Canada
Awesome Animals of Canada
Grades 2 to 3 - Print Book - Lesson Plan
Order #: Z41
ISBN13: 978-1-55319-203-9
Grades: 2, 3
Reading Level: 2-3
Total Page: 109
Author: Vera Trembach
Awesome Animals is a resource package about some of the animals of Canada. Upon completion, your students will have retained factual information about Canadian wildlife, be aware of environmental issues and discover an empathy towards animals. Creative Task Cards have been developed for independent learning. Skills covered in our resource are: Creative Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication, Numerical Literacy, and Social Values. Topics covered in our resource are: Animal Homes, Adapting to the Environment, Pollution, Conservation, Forest Fires, Animal Babies, and Animal Characteristics and Comparisons. This Animal Science lesson provides a teacher and student section with reading passages, activities, board game, and word search to create a well-rounded lesson plan.