Canadian Studies > Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 > CANADA


Grades 4 to 8 - eBook - Lesson Plan

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Order #: KGR71 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-646-4 Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Reading Level: 5-6 Total Page: 61
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Canada is a unit designed for Intermediate and Gifted Programming and Junior Enrichment. This package contains:

1) Contract assignment sheets based on Taylor’s multiple talents model

2) Activity cards based on Bloom’s Taxonomy

3) Information and student “how-to-do-it” sheets

4) Resource references

Our unit has been designed so that it is suitable for use in a classroom or enrichment centre. A wide range of activities at various levels of difficulty are provided. Some of the subjects covered in this unit include early Canadian settlements, job opportunities, important Canadian people and the important contribution they made to Canada, Canadian inventions, etc. Students can design their own trivia board game using questions about Canada and then include this in your resource centre as an activity for the students to enjoy!

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