History > Grades 8, 9 > Confederation: The Building of a Nation

Confederation: The Building of a Nation

Grades 8 to 9 - eBook - Lesson Plan

  • Confederation: The Building of a Nation Gr. 8-9 - eBook
  • Confederation: The Building of a Nation Gr. 8-9 - eBook
  • Confederation: The Building of a Nation Gr. 8-9 - eBook
  • Confederation: The Building of a Nation Gr. 8-9 - eBook
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Order #: RHPA166 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-166-7 Grades: 8, 9 Reading Level: 8-9 Total Page: 77 Author: Nat Reed
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  • Great modified program for ELL learners

  • A very helpful resource when teaching early Canadian history.

    Rhonda Livingston
  • Well made. Lessons are well structured and provide opportunity for me to branch out and adapt to fit the needs of my students!

    Cory Hartling



The Confederation of Canada was a series of events that brought our great country into being. The process officially began on July 1, 1867, when the first of four colonies joined together to create the Dominion of Canada, and the process continues to this day. Our resource traces the development of Canada — province by province — from its birth pangs in the mid 1800's, to its present form. Ten lessons are included — lessons that examine the additions of each province and territory, as well as a variety of supplementary topics important to the creation of Canada. This Canada lesson provides a teacher and student section with a variety of reading passages, activities, crossword, word search, and answer key to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

Product Reviews


Great modified program for ELL learners

Rhonda Livingston

A very helpful resource when teaching early Canadian history.


Well made. Lessons are well structured and provide opportunity for me to branch out and adapt to fit the needs of my students!

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