Geography >
Grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 >
Discovering MAPS & GLOBES
Discovering MAPS & GLOBES
Grades 2 to 6 - eBook - Lesson Plan
Order #: KGR60
ISBN13: 978-1-55319-638-9
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Reading Level: 3-5
Total Page: 61
Author: Arlene Phillips
Introduce the salient concepts to beginners that reinforce skills in working with maps and globes. Designed for students with differentiated learning levels; including children who have had no experience in formal map & globe skills often experience difficulties when faced with geography as a subject at an intermediate level. The material in this package may be of benefit to children in junior and early intermediate grades as well. The activities are designed with participation in mind encouraging a variety of group sizes (whole class, small group, individual). The activities are sequentially arranged to cover the following topics: symbols, direction, kinds and uses of maps, scale and terminology. The activities are suggestions and may be modified or expanded where needed. Get creative and have fun teaching your students about maps & globes!
Introduce the salient concepts to beginners that reinforce skills in working with maps and globes. Designed for students with differentiated learning levels; including children who have had no experience in formal map & globe skills often experience difficulties when faced with geography as a subject at an intermediate level. The material in this package may be of benefit to children in junior and early intermediate grades as well. The activities are designed with participation in mind encouraging a variety of group sizes (whole class, small group, individual). The activities are sequentially arranged to cover the following topics: symbols, direction, kinds and uses of maps, scale and terminology. The activities are suggestions and may be modified or expanded where needed. Get creative and have fun teaching your students about maps & globes!