Primary > Grades PK, K > Learning Centre VALUE PACK

Learning Centre VALUE PACK

Grades PK to K - eBook - Lesson Plan

  • Learning Centre VALUE PACK Gr. PK-K - eBook
  • Learning Centre VALUE PACK Gr. PK-K - eBook
  • Learning Centre VALUE PACK Gr. PK-K - eBook
  • Learning Centre VALUE PACK Gr. PK-K - eBook
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Order #: RHPZ105 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-235-0 Grades: PK, K Reading Level: PK-K Total Page: 45 Author: Vera Trembach
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We've packaged together 2 books on Learning Centres. The first book "I Love My Learning Centres," contains illustrations for 24 different centres in your classroom. Your students will become familiar with the pictures that identify their favourite centres. The second book "Record Sheets," contains 24 different Record Sheets on 19 different themes. These can be used with commercial stamps or stickers. Identification Pictures included in our resource are: Listening or Music, Painting, Puppets, Playhouse, Blackboard, Games, Blocks and Toys, Make-believe, Sandbox, Puzzles, Water Table, Work Jobs, Felt Board of Storytelling, Art, Play Dough, Beads, Small Blocks, Typewriter, Writing, Computer, Large Blocks, Reading, Science or Wonder, and Tools. This Big Books lesson provides a teacher and student section with reading passages, record sheets, and big book assembly to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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