Primary > Grades K, 1, 2 > Moss Bag Stories

Moss Bag Stories

Grades K to 2 - eBook - Lesson Plan

  • Moss Bag Stories Gr. K-2 - eBook
  • Moss Bag Stories Gr. K-2 - eBook
  • Moss Bag Stories Gr. K-2 - eBook
  • Moss Bag Stories Gr. K-2 - eBook
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Order #: RHPZ28 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-390-6 Grades: K, 1, 2 Reading Level: K-2 Total Page: 45 Author: Vera Trembach
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  • This First Nations resource is teacher friendly and age appropriate. Thanks!

    Coralie Postma
  • Great idea!

  • "Excellent!"




Our unit consists of stories about Saskatchewan's aboriginal cultures. Moss Bag Stories can be integrated into your curriculum under family studies. The stories tell about one way that Native mothers take care of their young children. Moss Bags are the environmentally friendly diapers that native mothers used for their babies. Made of moss and cattails, native mothers would pick the moss and cattails in the Fall. They wanted to have a supply of diapers that would last them the winter months. The moss was cleaned and dried, and mixed with the fuzzy part of the cattail. This Primary Studies lesson provides a teacher and student section with reading passages, activities, word search, and math equations to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

Product Reviews

Coralie Postma

This First Nations resource is teacher friendly and age appropriate. Thanks!


Great idea!



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