Primary > Grades K, 1 > Rebus Chants A to Z

Rebus Chants A to Z

Grades K to 1 - eBook - Lesson Plan

  • Rebus Chants A to Z Gr. K-1 - eBook
  • Rebus Chants A to Z Gr. K-1 - eBook
  • Rebus Chants A to Z Gr. K-1 - eBook
  • Rebus Chants A to Z Gr. K-1 - eBook
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Order #: RHPZ22 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-177-3 Grades: K, 1 Reading Level: K-1 Total Page: 64 Author: Vera Trembach
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  • My K’s love to learn these chants!

    Stacey Polegato



Rebus Chants A to Z encourages "reading-like" behaviour and gives beginner readers the repetition and sense of accomplishment they need. Teachers will photocopy chants for each student. The chants can be stapled and sent home at the end of a theme, or stored in a duo-tang all year. Encourage students to follow the chants with their fingers, keeping on track with the picture words. Have students point out particular things, such as the beginning of each line, double letters, phonics rules, repeated words, and punctuation. This can be done orally at first; then, have students underline, circle, or colour important parts. This Chants & Classifications lesson provides a teacher and student section with reading passages, activities, teacher notes, and big book assembly to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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Stacey Polegato

My K’s love to learn these chants!

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