Primary > Grades 1, 2 > SIXSPELL – An Individualized Program

SIXSPELL – An Individualized Program

Grade 2 - eBook - Lesson Plan

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Order #: KGR61 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-639-6 Grades: 1, 2 Reading Level: 1-2 Total Page: 51
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Our Sixspell program design allows the child to see his or her diagnostic test results, work on skills specific to his or her needs, and than retest to see if he or she has learned the skills. There is enough overlap built into the program that the student will get practice with the same skills many times after having learned them. The objectives of this program are to:

1) strengthen awareness of structural similarities and rules in English spelling

2) increase student success in spelling

3) improve student attitude in spelling

4) develop automaticity of spelling in all written work

5) provide a program to replace spelling texts

6) provide a program that integrates nicely with all subject areas; that can be set up as an activity centre as part of an active learning environment

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